Results for 'Maria Cristina Reyes Leiva'

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  1. Un approccio al nichilismo contemporaneo: persistenza di alcune domande.María Cristina Reyes Leiva - 2011 - Acta Philosophica 20 (1):141 - 150.
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    El ser en la metafísica de Carlos Cardona.María Cristina Reyes - 1997 - Pamplona: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra.
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    Piccolo trattato di epistemologia.Maria Cristina Amoretti & Nicla Vassallo - 2010 - Codice Edizioni.
    La discussione generale sulla filosofia della scienza contemporanea è complicata dal numero e dall’eterogeneità delle scienze, mentre lo studio di temi specifici porta inevitabilmente a dissertazioni specialistiche che mancano nel dare ragione della trama di senso sottostante. Questo Piccolo trattato di epistemologia intende occupare uno spazio vuoto, proponendo alcuni temi chiave per la comprensione dei meccanismi alla base della conoscenza scientifica: i rapporti tra filosofia e scienze, siano esse naturali o umane; la complessa relazione tra fatti e valori; la distinzione (...)
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    A Disability Bioethics Reading of the FDA and EMA Evaluations on the Marketing Authorisation of Growth Hormone for Idiopathic Short Stature Children.Maria Cristina Murano - 2020 - Health Care Analysis 28 (3):266-282.
    The diagnosis of idiopathic short stature refers to children who are considerably shorter than average without any identified medical reason. The US Food and Drug Administration authorised marketing of recombinant human growth hormone for ISS in 2003, while the European Medicines Agency refused it in 2007. This paper examines the arguments for these decisions as detailed in selected FDA and EMA documents. It combines argumentative analysis with an approach to policy analysis called ‘What’s the problem represented to be’. It argues (...)
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    Unlocking sustainable governance: The role of women at the corporate apex.Maria Cristina Zaccone - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (4):746-762.
    This study explores the intra-organizational antecedents of sustainable governance by examining the impact of female presence at the corporate apex. Drawing upon the upper echelon theory, we investigate whether women in top positions influence sustainable governance practices. Our research focuses on a sample of companies operating within two distinct market economies: liberal market economies (LMEs) and coordinated market economies (CMEs). The United States, represented by the S&P100, and the United Kingdom, represented by the FTSE100, serve as examples of LMEs. Conversely, (...)
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  6. La filosofia e le sue storie: atti del Seminario "La filosofia e le sue storie," Lecce, gennaio-maggio 1995 / a cura di Maria Cristina Fornari e Fabio Sulpizio ; [interventi di Jean-Robert Armogathe... et al.].Maria Cristina Fornari, Fabio Sulpizio & Jean Robert Armogathe (eds.) - 1998 - Lecce: Milella.
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    From vulnerable subjects to research partners: a critical policy analysis of biomedical research ethics guidelines and regulations.Maria Cristina Murano - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (3):539-558.
    Over the last three quarters of a century, international guidelines and regulations have undergone significant changes in how children are problematised as participants in biomedical research. While early guidelines enacted children as vulnerable subjects with diminished autonomy and in need of special protection, beginning in the early 2000s, international regulatory frameworks defined the paediatric population as vulnerable due to unaddressed public health needs. More recently, ethical recommendations have promoted the active engagement of minors as research partners. In this paper, I (...)
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  8. Proposiciones Elementales.María Cristina Perceval - 1989 - Philosophia:286.
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  9. Sistema y Totalidad.María Cristina Perceval - 1989 - Philosophia:313.
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    La justificación de decisiones judiciales.María Cristina Redondo - 1999 - Isegoría 21:149-163.
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    Graciela De Pierris: In memoriam.María Cristina González - 2024 - Análisis Filosófico 44 (2):363-364.
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    Paul Ricœur and Clifford Geertz: The Harmonic Dialogue between Philosophical Hermeneutics and Cultural Anthropology.Maria Cristina Clorinda Vendra - 2020 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 11 (1):49-64.
    Human experience has a symbolic structure. By focusing on the symbolism of human action, this essay considers the reciprocal influences and the essential differences between Paul Ricœur’s hermeneutics and Clifford Geertz’s cultural anthropology. Through reference to Ricœur’s Lectures on Ideology and Utopia, the section on “Ideology, Utopia, and Politics” in From Text to Action, and Geertz’s 1973 book The Interpretation of Cultures, this paper aims at reconstructing the dialogue between these thinkers. I begin with a broad framing of the encounter (...)
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  13. Questione metafisica e qualità dell'esperienza.Maria Cristina Bartolomei - 2007 - Giornale di Metafisica 29 (2):361-380.
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    The Sponsor.Maria Cristina Jori, Roberta Bursi & Marco Viceconti - 2024 - In Marco Viceconti & Luca Emili (eds.), Toward Good Simulation Practice: Best Practices for the Use of Computational Modelling and Simulation in the Regulatory Process of Biomedical Products. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 101-113.
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  15. A análise de discurso materialista ea metodologia.Maria Cristina Komatz Domitrovic - 2011 - Entremeios 2 (1).
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    Nurses’ autonomy in end-of-life situations in intensive care units.Maria Cristina Paganini & Regina Szylit Bousso - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (7):803-814.
    Background: The intensive care unit environment focuses on interventions and support therapies that prolong life. The exercise by nurses of their autonomy impacts on perception of the role they assume in the multidisciplinary team and on their function in the intensive care unit context. There is much international research relating to nurses’ involvement in end-of-life situations; however, there is a paucity of research in this area in Brazil. In the Brazilian medical scenario, life support limitation generated a certain reluctance of (...)
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    (1 other version)Aportes mapuce para pensar el géneroMapuce contributions to think the gender.María Cristina Valdez - 2017 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 7 (1).
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    Los enunciados jurídicos internos: La concepción de Eugenio Bulygin.María Cristina Redondo - 2013 - Análisis Filosófico 33 (2):170-185.
    En este trabajo analizo la concepción de Eugenio Bulygin respecto de aquellos enunciados jurídicos que afirman que una cierta acción es jurídicamente obligatoria, prohibida o permitida. Conforme a Bulygin, estos enunciados son ambiguos. Ellos pueden ser enunciados empíricos externos que afirman la existencia o validez de una norma, o pueden ser enunciados normativos internos que expresan una norma, o una actitud moral absoluta. En el trabajo sostengo que, para una concepción positivista, si el derecho es concebido como un conjunto de (...)
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    Editorial: Psychosocial effects of isolation and fear of contagion of COVID-19 on the mental health of different population groups.María Cristina Richaud, Rubén N. Muzio, Viviana Lemos, Sebastián Urquijo & Gustavo Carlo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Physicians’ legal knowledge of informed consent and confidentiality. A cross-sectional study.Maria Cristina Plaiasu, Dragos Ovidiu Alexandru & Codrut Andrei Nanu - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-9.
    Background Only a few studies have been conducted to assess physicians’ knowledge of legal standards. Nevertheless, prior research has demonstrated a dearth of medical law knowledge. Our study explored physicians’ awareness of legal provisions concerning informed consent and confidentiality, which are essential components of the physician-patient relationship of trust. -/- Methods A cross-sectional study assessed attending physicians’ legal knowledge of informed consent and confidentiality regulations. The study was conducted in nine hospitals in Dolj County, Romania. Physicians were given a questionnaire (...)
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    Tomismo e principio di non contraddizione.Maria Cristina Bartolomei - 1973 - Padova,: CEDAM.
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  22. Tra frammenti sinfonici e quadri coreografici. Forme del libretto di ballo. La "generazione dell'Ottanta" nel Fondo Alberto Testa presso il Teatro Regio di Rotino.Maria Cristina Esposito & Emiliano Giannetti - 2018 - In Alessandro Giovannucci, Giorgio Grimaldi, Luca Dragani, Marco Giacintucci, Letizia Gomato, Maica Tassone, Maria Cristina Esposito & Emiliano Giannetti (eds.), Itinerari estetico-musicali: studi sul moderno e contemporaneo. Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso.
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  23. Ser Pesquisador Hermenêutico-Fenomenológico: Um Desafio.Maria Cristina Lima Paniago Lopes - 2007 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 9 (2).
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    Introduction to the book Symposium on The Biopsychosocial Model of Health and Disease by guest editors.Maria Cristina Amoretti & Elisabetta Lalumera - 2021 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 17 (2):(M1)5-8.
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    O Ensino Primário e a Política Educacional do Paraná.Maria Cristina Gomes Machado & Cristiane Silva Melo - 2012 - Dialogos 16 (Supl.).
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    Il tradurre, tra verità ed etica: la Bibbia.Maria Cristina Bartolomei - 2007 - Doctor Virtualis 7:169-191.
    I testi biblici si guardano, rinviano l'uno all'altro, si citano si rispecchiano l'uno nell'altro, e il frutto di tale rispecchiamento precipita a formare nuovi strati testuali.
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    Perceived Concerns and Psychological Distress of Healthcare Workers Facing Three Early Stages of COVID-19 Pandemic.María Cristina Richaud, Leandro Eidman, Jael Vargas Rubilar, Viviana Lemos, Belén Mesurado, María Carolina Klos, Marisa Rodriguez de Behrends & Rubén N. Muzio - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:742810.
    BackgroundThis study analyzed the difference in psychological distress of the healthcare workers in three different periods of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in Argentina. Specifically, from the third week of the mandatory quarantine through the two following weeks.MethodsAnalysis of the responses of 1,458 members of the health personnel was done on a questionnaire on healthcare workers concerns regarding the care of patients with coronavirus, indicators of depression, anxiety, intolerance of uncertainty, and coping.ResultsThe psychological indicators that were considered presented differences (...)
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    Nachweis aus Henry Charles Carey, die grundlagen der sozialwissenschaft.Maria Cristina Fornari - 2009 - Nietzsche Studien 38 (1):320-320.
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    Nachweis aus thucydiDes, geschichte Des peloponnesischen kriegs.Maria Cristina Fornari - 2009 - Nietzsche Studien 38 (1):322-322.
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  30. Calidad del servicio de internet en el municipio Maracaibo.María Cristina Useche & Yeiling Fernández - 2008 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 10 (3):371-382.
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    A concepção de ética no utilitarismo de John Stuart Mill.Maria Cristina Longo Cardoso Dias - 2014 - Discurso 44:235-260.
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    Filosofia e istituzioni.Maria Cristina Fornari - 2023 - Nóema 1 (14):26-38.
    La posizione e il ruolo della filosofia nelle Università sono sempre stati oggetto di interesse, in particolare da parte dei detentori della disciplina, evidentemente convinti di un suo statuto speciale all’interno del percorso formativo. In questo articolo si prendono brevemente in esame le posizioni di alcuni filosofi che si sono esplicitamente esposti al riguardo, da Kant a Heidegger, da Ortega y Gasset a Martha Nussbaum, quali testimoni illustri dell’imprescindibilità dei contenuti e dei metodi della filosofia per ogni campo del sapere, (...)
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    Nachweise. Nachweis aus Carl Julius Weber, Demokritos oder Hinterlassene Papiere eines lachenden Philosophen.Maria Cristina Fornari - 2016 - Nietzsche Studien 45 (1):221-221.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Nietzsche-Studien Jahrgang: 45 Heft: 1 Seiten: 221-221.
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    Nachweise. Nachweis aus Jacob Burckhardt, Der Cicerone.Maria Cristina Fornari - 2016 - Nietzsche Studien 45 (1):222-222.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Nietzsche-Studien Jahrgang: 45 Heft: 1 Seiten: 222-222.
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    Nietzsche: por una política del individuo.Maria Cristina Fornari - 2021 - Araucaria 23 (46).
    Although Nietzsche never formulated an actual political theory, his critique of modernity and his search for alternative solutions to raise the 'human type' are certainly part of a “große Politik” project, which, however, belongs more to the realm of philosophy and culture than to that of a science of government. In opposition to homologating organisations - political, economic, moral - that have robbed man of his most peculiar energies, Nietzsche works for the promotion of a strong individuality that alone can (...)
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  36. Préstamos de Darwin a la teoría de la población de Malthus.María Cristina Ríos Espinoza - 2010 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 42 (128):75-96.
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    (1 other version)Board characteristics and firm success: does the institutional context always matter.Maria Cristina Zaccone - 2023 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1):1.
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  38. Sostenibilità e strategie per 'ricostruire'territori in abbandono.Maria Cristina Forlani & Donatella Radogna - forthcoming - Techne.
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    9. Social Ties and the Emergence of the Individual: Nietzsche and the English Perspective.Maria Cristina Fornari - 2015 - In João Constâncio (ed.), Nietzsche and the Problem of Subjectivity. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 234-253.
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    Meta-Philosophical Reflection on Feminist Philosophies of Science.Maria Cristina Amoretti & Nicla Vassallo (eds.) - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume offers a meta-philosophical reflection on feminist philosophies of science. It emphasizes and discusses both the connections and differences between "traditional" philosophies of science and feminist philosophies of science. The collection systematically analyses feminist contributions to the various philosophies of specific sciences. Each chapter is devoted to a specific area of philosophy of science: general philosophy of science, philosophy of biology, philosophy of climate sciences, philosophy of cognitive sciences and neurosciences, philosophy of economics, philosophy of history and archaeology, philosophy (...)
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    Gregorio Klimovsky, el lenguaje y las teorías científicas: Presentación.María Cristina González - 2011 - Análisis Filosófico 31 (1):67-68.
    La realización de homenajes a figuras apreciadas del mundo académico impone el reto de seleccionar cuál sea el contenido de lo presentado en el evento para que éste se constituya en una auténtica muestra de reconocimiento de sus méritos.En ocasión de la mesa de homenaje a Gregorio Klimovsky, organizada por la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella a instancias de Guillermo Ranea, y convocada en el seno de las XX Jornadas de Epistemología e Historia de la Ciencia, el 26 de noviembre de (...)
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    Information Representation in Displaced Archives: A Meta-Synthesis.Maria Cristina Vieira de Freitas, Carlos Guardado da Silva & L. S. Ascensão de Macedo - 2022 - Knowledge Organization 49 (5):329-351.
    This paper aims to perform a qualitative synthesis of literature concerning the representation of information in displaced archives. Methodologically, this communication is configured in a metasynthesis oriented to theory building, constituting a non-reactive, documentary-based and exploratory type of study, focused on articles and books chapters published in English between 1954 and 2019. The collection of texts is supported by the SPICE strategy, applied to the search in databases (WoS and EBSCO). We adopted content analysis according to the assumptions of Charmaz (...)
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    Sobre la completitud de los sistemas jurídicos.María Cristina Redondo - 2006 - Análisis Filosófico 26 (2):294-324.
    En el presente artículo se analizan cinco modos de entender el ideal de completitud de los sistemas jurídicos, teniendo como punto de referencia las ideas de Carlos Alchourrón. En este trabajo se propone distinguir los criterios de identificación de los textos jurídicamente relevantes; los métodos o reglas que permiten pasar de un contenido C a un contenido C1, y los criterios de validez o pertenencia de normas al sistema. En la concepción predominante entre los teóricos del derecho, las reglas lógicas (...)
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    Le Sacre Rappresentazioni Medievali ei Dipinti Tardo - Gotici Emiliani del Quattrocento.Maria Cristina Chiusa - 2007 - Mediaevalia 28 (1):55-77.
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    Las críticas a la modernidad en la filosofía latinoamericana.María Cristina Liendo - 2008 - [Córdoba, Argentina]: UNC, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades.
  46. Os Projetos de Reforma da Escola Pública no Brasil Propostos entre 1870 e 1886: A Ênfase na Formação Moral do Cidadão.Maria Cristina Gomes Machado - 2005 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 7 (2).
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    Die Spur Spencers in Nietzsches „moralischem Bergwerke“.Maria Cristina Fornari - 2005 - Nietzsche Studien 34 (1):310-328.
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    “O alquimista dos valores”. As cartas do último Nietzsche (1885-1889).Maria Cristina Fornari - 2019 - Cadernos Nietzsche 40 (1):44-66.
    This paper aims to analyze the letters of Nietzsche, questioning if we can legitimately regard them as a vehicle for understanding and interpretation his work. Although letters are inevitably tainted by their context, it is now generally accepted that they cannot be thought of as “parasitic” on the works of their author, but are an “integral part of his machine for writing or expression” (Deleuze-Guattari). It is not a question of interpolating or interpreting the genesis and contents of the works (...)
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    Intimidades teórico-metodológicas en el devenir autoral de una indagadora narrativa.María Cristina Sarasa - 2022 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 7 (2):1-17.
    Este artículo explora mi devenir como indagadora narrativa en la educación superior. Se trata de una aproximación íntima a las formas teóricas y metodológicas en las cuales, dentro de mi grupo de investigación en la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina, hemos recogido relatos sus docentes y estudiantes para estudiar entre otros temas, representaciones sobre el currículo, buenas prácticas de enseñanza, docentes memorables, identidades y experiencias de docentes en ciernes. En el transcurso de este (...)
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  50. Bibliografía.María Cristina Perceval - 1989 - Philosophia:321.
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